Home relationship Why do most men make promises they can’t keep to their women?

Why do most men make promises they can’t keep to their women?

Why do most men make promises they can’t keep to their women?

7 promises that almost all men make but rarely keep

When men are in love, they lose the rational part of their brain and the biggest example of this is the promises they make to their respective lovers that they would do anything for them. This doesn’t mean that their emotions aren’t genuine or that they are liars, it just means that they get carried away… sometimes a little too far. Here are 13 promises men make but never keep.

1. Promises not to be jealous

Your boyfriend may be afraid of losing you when he sees you dating other male friends. Instead of making your man promise not to show any signs of jealousy, talk to him about how he can overcome these feelings. Make sure he knows he has no reason to be jealous and that he can trust you 100%. Being open with each other can help those feelings go away. Also find ways to help him use reason, logic and positive thinking to work through these feelings of jealousy together.

2. Men’s promises to look at others

A man who promises that he will never look at other women is an outright lie and it is impossible, even with the best of intentions. Of course, leering and stalking another girl for several minutes or losing interest in you for the moment or trying to get another woman’s attention is unacceptable. However, a split-second glance in a crowded mall should not worry you.

3. He promises never to judge you, no matter what

Your boyfriend is a human being, but he may have his own ideas and outlook on life. He may not approve of or like some of your lifestyle habits or choices and, being your partner, he may honestly confide in you about his feelings, which is honest of him. It is now your job to convince him to think like you or to come to a happy compromise without belittling each other.

4. Men make promises about their exes

If your boyfriend was once in a serious relationship, it’s ridiculous to expect a complete breakup of the relationship as if that person never existed. But if you notice that their interaction is increasing a little more than normal or that he’s trying to hide the conversation, you need to set some boundaries. Instead of banishing him completely, try to ease the situation by getting involved in more honest interactions about exes instead.

5. He promises to change his ways after a big fight

When there is a nasty argument, a man promises to change his habits immediately, which is not possible. Changing a habit is a gradual process. So you need to keep reminding him of his promise and encouraging him in his efforts to change his bad habits. But if you see that his promise is just a bluff, that’s a red flag and you need to tell him that if he doesn’t even try, it’s time to say goodbye.

6. Men’s promises to hide things

In a relationship, there should be no secrets, but sometimes and if your man seems distant and does not want to talk to you. Maybe he’s going through a work crisis or a personal dilemma that he feels he has to deal with himself. If that’s the case, you need to give him time to relax and he’ll share his feelings with you himself when he’s ready. As a partner, it’s up to us to let him know that whatever is going on in his life, he’s always welcome to talk about it with you, because two heads are always better than one when it comes to solving a problem.

7. You will be together forever and he will always love you.

This may sound a bit harsh, but divorces and breakups happen every day. It is a sad truth of life that love is not enough to keep 2 people together forever, and as life goes on, there are many challenges that come up that are sometimes insurmountable and people break up. No one can predict the future but we all start with high hopes.