A WAITRESS named Adrianna Edwards has told of her joy after a kind couple she served bought her a brand new car when learning she walked 14 miles a DAY to and from work.
Reportedly, it took Adrianna Edwards more than four hours to make the daily trek from her home to the Denny’s restaurant in Galveston, Texas, where she worked.

However, according to CNN, that all changedwhen two generous diners gifted a tearful Adrianna a new Nissan car.
“I still feel like I’m dreaming.
“Every two hours, I come look out my window and see if there’s still a car there.”, Adrianna said.
The couple had got chatting to Adrianna when she kindly offered the couple free extra ice cream with their breakfast.
After the pair who wish to remain anonymous learned of her staggering commute, they left the restaurant and just hours later returned with the new motor for her.
Exhausted server Adrianna was saving up to buy a used car so that she could drastically ease her commute. However, her efforts were hampered by crippling costs.
“I have bills to pay. I’ve got to eat.
“You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”, she told CNN.
But she had no idea when she walked to work on Tuesday that she would be driving back in the brand new 2011 Nissan Sentra.
Now she can use the money she had saved to start college much earlier than she thought.

Her time to commute has now been slashed from more than four hours to just 30 minutes.
“She teared up, which made me happy that she was so moved by that.”, the woman who bought the car said of Adrianna’s reaction.
All the couple asked in return for the car was for Adrianna to pay the good deed forward and reward other people in her life.
Adrianna agreed and she added: “When I see somebody in need, I’ll probably be more likely to help them out (and) to do everything that I can to help them out.