Home Health These Signs Can Help You Catch Your Ch.e.a.ting Partner

These Signs Can Help You Catch Your Ch.e.a.ting Partner

These Signs Can Help You Catch Your Ch.e.a.ting Partner

Below are some of the most glaring signs of c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g. that you can watch for if you have doubts about your partner’s fidelity.

See if your partner is suddenly showing up:

– Behavioral changes
– Conscientious actions
– Odd reasons

1. Decline in communication

This can be small things, like what used to happen in their day that they used to share and no longer do, or big things like refusing to discuss the future.

A breakdown in communication is never a positive sign. If you can’t get your spouse to communicate (or even fight) with you, they no longer share their day with you, or the words “I love you” are no longer uttered, there is probably an underlying issue.

2. Changes in attitude

A change in personality is a big sign of infidelity, it could be that they are being more secretive, more argumentative and less affectionate. Sometimes it is as a result of guilt, but it could also be the influence of the person they are ch.e.a.t.i.n.g. with rubbing off on them.

3. Indifference

When your spouse shows apathy or lack of interest in things they used to love, communicate with them to see if there is another reason for the change in engagement. But if you also suspect infidelity, these changes may be another indication of an affair.

5. Spending

They are spending more money – they may be spending money on clothes, hotels, gifts for the person they are c.h.a.t.i.n.g. with, if this is unusual behavior, you should find out where that money is going.

6. Dramatic change in $ex drive

This may mean that there is more or less $ex in the relationship. The partner may feel guilty for cheating, so they want to cover up the relationship by initiating or avoiding sex because they are getting it elsewhere.

7. A change in the use of technology

Infidelity is often revealed online, in text messages, or phone messages. These technological changes may warrant concern.

Your spouse is suddenly unreachable at certain times of the day.
Your spouse has changed his or her password or doesn’t want to share it with you.
Your spouse is always texting or sneaking in phone calls.
You notice that cloud sharing has suddenly been turned off on your devices.
Your spouse stops using the shared devices altogether.
Your spouse reduces their use of social media.
Your spouse clears the browser history on their home computer.
Your spouse’s fitness tracker shows exercise at odd hours and times.

Keep in mind that a red flag in one relationship may be a general behavior in others, so always trust your gut first.

Source:sarcasm.co, verywellmind.com, dailymail.co.uk