Home News The Meaning Behind Coins Left on Gravestones

The Meaning Behind Coins Left on Gravestones

Leaving coins on gravestones is a longstanding tradition with deep historical and symbolic significance, particularly in military cemeteries. Here’s what different coins represent—and why people continue this practice today.

Origins of the Tradition

This custom is believed to have ancient roots, but it became widely recognized in the U.S. during the Vietnam War as a way to honor fallen soldiers.

Possible Historical Influences:

Greek & Roman Mythology – Coins were placed on the eyes or in the mouths of the dead to pay Charon, the ferryman who carried souls across the River Styx to the afterlife.
American Civil War – Some historians suggest soldiers left coins to settle debts or mark visits.

What Different Coins Symbolize

In U.S. military cemeteries, the type of coin left on a headstone carries a specific meaning:

Penny (1¢) – A general sign of respect, often left by visitors to show they’ve paid their respects.
Nickel (5¢) – Indicates the visitor trained at boot camp with the deceased.
Dime (10¢) – Means the visitor served with the soldier in some capacity.
Quarter (25¢) – A powerful message: the visitor was present when the soldier died

Other Meanings:

Coins placed upright (like standing on edge) may symbolize active remembrance.
Foreign coins can signify that the visitor came from afar to pay tribute.

Why People Still Leave Coins Today

To Honor the Dead – A silent yet meaningful gesture of respect.
For Military Families – Some believe it helps their loved ones “know” they were visited.
Charity & Maintenance – In some cemeteries, collected coins fund veteran services or grave upkeep.

Modern Variations & Customs

Jewish Tradition – Small stones are often placed instead of coins, symbolizing permanence.
Non-Military Graves – Some leave coins on civilian graves as a simple memorial.

Final Thoughts

A coin on a gravestone is more than just spare change—it’s a quiet, powerful tribute to those who have passed. Next time you see one, you’ll understand the deep respect behind it.