Home Life Stick A Cut Rose Into A Potato And See What Happens A...

Stick A Cut Rose Into A Potato And See What Happens A Week Later!

Turn one rose into an entire rose bush in no time at all!

Do you agree that a nice bunch of flowers on the kitchen table can lighten up any cloudy day? Unfortunately, flowers are pretty expensive, especially when you consider you’ll have to throw them in the bin after a couple of days already.

Did you know that there is a simple trick that can be used to help roses grow on their own? Let us teach you how it’s done! With this trick we’ve got for you today, you can grow your own beautiful bunch of roses!

Step 1: Choose a rose you really like
Step 2: Remove all leaves and thorns from it and give it a diagonal cut around 3 centimeters below the head of the rose
It is important, that the rose stays in shape so be careful when preparing the stem.
Step 3: Place it in a vase and store it like that for a few days.

Step 4: Drill a small hole in a potato
It should be just as big as the diameter of the rose so when the rose is inserted, it is tightly secured and does not move around.
Step 5: Place plenty of fertilized soil on the bottom of a pot or a similar container
Step 6: Place the stem in the potato and place them carefully on the soil
Step 7: Once you found the right position, fill up your pot with the remaining soil
The potato should be located around 5 centimeters below the surface of the soil.
Step 8: Cut out the bottom of the plastic bottle and then place it around the stem

Now all you need to do is to water the soil around the plastic bottle occasionally and have some patience.

Take a look at the video below to see how it works and don’t forget to check the results on the next page!