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So Funny – Cöp on..

Cop on horse says to little girl on bike, “Did Santa get you that?” “Yes,” replies the little girl.

“Well tell him to put a reflector light on it next year!” and fines her $5.

The little girl looks up at the cop and says, “Nice horse you’ve got there, did Santa bring you that?” The cop chuckles and that?”

The cop chuckles and replies, “He sure did!” “Well,” says the little girl, “Next year tell Santa that the dick goes under the horse, not on top of it!”

A 60 Year Old Billionaire Marries A Hot 24 Year Old

During the wedding party, his friends ask him:

“How did you get someone so young?”

“It’s simple”, said the billionaire, “I faked my age!”

“I mean, I’m 43, and there’s no way I could land her!”

A friend exclaims. “What age did you tell her you were?”

Smiling mischievously, the billionaire responds, “85 years old”.