Home Life Nonprofit Organization Built Homeless Veterans Village of Tiny Homes Instead Of Leaving...

Nonprofit Organization Built Homeless Veterans Village of Tiny Homes Instead Of Leaving Them Homeless

Nonprofit Organization Built Homeless Veterans Village of Tiny Homes Instead Of Leaving Them Homeless

The Veterans Community Project focuses on helping homeless veterans by providing them with temporary housing in their tiny village in south Kansas City and connecting them with resources. The group was founded by a group of combat veterans.

The village is a crossover venture between the Kansas City-based Veterans Community Project (VCP), the City of Longmont and local Longmont developers. The initiative began in 2018, when the Longmont City Council passed a resolution supporting the “Mayor’s Challenge to End Homelessness.”

Those who are involved with the Veterans Community Project are donating their time and many of the materials that are needed to build the homes. They want to make sure veterans know that communities care.

Tiny homes are built in areas in the cities that are participating so that veterans have the housing they need while they recover from injuries, mental issues that they might have because of being on active duty, and while they live out the rest of their lives in peace.

Each tiny home has the same overall design structure.

They are different colors so that the veterans have a sense of having their own home instead of living in a community where each house looks exactly the same. Heat and air are included in the homes. Most of the houses built have one bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. They are large enough for at least one person, possibly two depending on the family of the veteran.

Many of the homes have flags on the front porch and a sign that shows that the person living there is a veteran. The homes are connected to city electric and sewer services so that the occupants don’t have to worry about the little details of being in a house.

The homes aren’t owned by the veterans, but the occupants can stay as long as they need to so that they can get back on their feet.

