A WOMAN under 3ft tall was told that giving birth could “crush her from the inside out” but she has still defied the odds to welcome a healthy baby boy.

After being born on August 3, 1989 weighing 6lb – with bowed arms and legs as well as 150 fractured bones, 2ft 10in Trisha Taylor from Boise in Idaho was diagnosed with ost.eogenesis imperf.ecta (OI). Trisha has been using a wheelchair since she was two-and-a-half. She has always been resolute that OI would not set her apart from her peers.
Trisha met and married her truck driver husband Michael, who is over 6 feet tall. Because her bones are so fragile, which means a simple cough or sneeze could fracture them, this woman was wa.rned against having a child by the doctors.

Incredibly, after two heartbreaking mis*carriages, Trisha managed to carry her baby boy Maven to 32 weeks she welcomed him via a caesarean section. The boy is now a healthy, thriving five-year-old, who does not have OI.
Trisha added that she has recently launched her own blog called ‘And She Did’ to inspire others. This full-time mum said: “When I told my doctor I’d come off birth control, he sat me down and war.ned me against falling pregnant.
“I remember the word ‘could’ was thrown around a lot – “‘You could leave your life and so could the baby…’
“But I don’t have time for ‘could’ and after a lot of hard work, I welcomed my perfect baby boy.

“To this day people still can’t believe I gave birth to him. They ask if Maven’s my baby and I always tell them – very proudly -‘Yes, he grew in my belly.'”
Source: The Sun