Trystan Reese and his partner Biff Chaplow are a couple that decided to have a baby one day. The thing makes this couple special is that Reese is a t.r.a.n.s man. After the couple had seen dozens of trans men have babies, they decided to have a baby as well.
However, his partner had some concerns, which are both about Reese’s safety – especially considering the fact that he would be navigating through the world as a pregnant man. Since then, Reese has told Parents that initially his partner was hesitant about the idea, and at one point he even said that it’s the dumbest idea that he’s ever had. He was mostly worried about Reese’s safety, both medical and social.
In 2011, the couple had already adopted Chaplow’s niece and nephew, and eventually they came to an agreement to become pregnant. The couple met with an excellent medical team, and Reese stopped taking t.e.s.t.o.s.t.e.r.o.n.e hormones to prepare his body for pregnancy.
About five months later, the man fell pregnant! The two were elated and overjoyed, and lightness came over them.

Reese shared it was a ‘textbook pregnancy’, and it led to a healthy delivery to their son named Leo in July 2017.
He noted: “The conception part just happened, the two of us at home, the old-fashioned way. I’m really lucky, the people at Kaiser [Permanente] have worked really hard on their trans competency. I received incredibly respectful, knowledgeable, competent care throughout my entire prenatal process. I told my doctor ‘it’s my goal to be the most boring patient you’ve ever seen.’ He, of course, laughed because I’m a pregnant man.”

On his Facebook Biff And I, Reese documented his entire pregnancy, and the man shared what he thinks of his body and how he feels like it’s a gift to have been born with the body that he did.
Reese explained that the terminology which surrounds pregnancy is not inclusive of the t.r.a.n.s community. It doesn’t bother him and he made peace with it.
The man concluded.“I just accepted that I’m the one doing something unique. I know that most people, like 99.99 percent of people who give birth are women. I can’t really bust into this world and then get mad at them for not really including me. I am the one doing something special. I’m the one who is sort of crashing their party. I thought the respectful thing to do was accept that the language wasn’t always going to include me.”
