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How To Get A Man To Chase You? With These 8 Tips, He Will Chase You in No Time

With These 8 Tips, He Will Chase You in No Time

Who doesn’t like the affection, care, pampering and spark of their man in a relationship? All women like to be pampered. In the real world, however, the spark dissipates after a few months, and the man stops performing the things he did to woo her. And that could be the end of a relationship. Well, there is good news for all the ladies who have been affected by this. Below are the uncles who convinced him to pursue her.

1. Show self-confidence

If you feel like it, approach him and start a discussion with him. Keep your head up, smile, and look him in the eye. If you’re not sure you can do it, it’s best to wait until the time is right. You may mess things up if you start stuttering or acting strange. If you are not sure whether you can do it or not, then it is best to wait for the right time. When you talk to him, or anyone else, it should always be like this. It is true that men admire women who know what they want and have the courage to express themselves.

2. Always look for your best

To be honest, every man appreciates seeing a beautiful lady, and the key to a woman’s beauty and appeal is typically self-care. Make sure your nails and hair are in good shape. Try to wear remarkable and good quality clothes. But remember, don’t be too extravagant or too showy. He may get the wrong image of you, and you don’t want that.

3. Don’t make yourself too available.

Men are hunters. They can’t make a guy chase you if you’re always around. He may even consider you boring if you call him constantly, or respond in a matter of seconds. Show him that you have a life of your own and that you can function without him. This will undoubtedly drive him crazy, prompting him to seek you out. Don’t be too distant, but always be one step ahead of him.

4. Don’t make him believe that he is the only one.

Because he isn’t. Listen, there are at least a handful of guys who are fighting for the chance to date you. However, you have to show him that he’s not alone. Show other people pictures of you on Instagram or tag them in statuses. The point is that he has to see that your demand is high. He would be willing to stalk you and pursue you harder and longer if he thinks you are in high demand.

5. Flirt

You don’t have to be the ice queen just because you are trying to get him to pursue you. Have fun and flirt with him. Show that you are interested in him if you want him to pursue you. You have to give him a cause to pursue you.

6. Don’t text him constantly.

Keep in mind that you want him to pursue you. Of course, once he has won you over, you are free to bombard him with texts to keep him updated on your life. Keep your texts to a minimum until then. Use the right emojis and playful texts to let him know you enjoy messaging him, but don’t start messaging him right away.

7. Keep a busy schedule and respect his time.

To keep your life active and fascinating, fill your days with meaningful people and activities. Do it for yourself and only you show others that you value your time and growth. Time is valuable, and should never be wasted on people who are not interested in helping you or adding value to your life.

8. Enforce your limits

Yes, setting your limits makes me want to run after you. It’s micro-chasing, but the kind that makes men want to be in a relationship. Draw a line in the sand if he mistreats you, bullies you, makes you look down on him, or teases you too much. He will feel obligated to apologize and make amends in order to regain your trust. And he will see that you are a high quality lady who is not willing to tolerate substandard behavior – or bad relationships. And that, right there, is woman material.

Source:yourtango.com,ng.opera.news, lovearoundme.com