Home News Heartwarming Photo of Man Holding Stranger’s Baby While She Does Paperwork Blows...

Heartwarming Photo of Man Holding Stranger’s Baby While She Does Paperwork Blows Up Internet

The photo, taken in a doctor’s Alabama office, shows an elderly man holding a stranger’s baby.

In these incredibly divisive times, a single photograph has united more than 1 million people around the globe.

Natasha Crittenden Wilson was sitting in an Alabama doctor’s waiting room when a mother walked in with a sleeping baby on her shoulder. She stepped to the reception desk, checked in, and was handed a clipboard with a stack of forms to fill out.

“She goes to sit down, and you could just hear thinking, ‘Now how am I going to do this?”’ Wilson told InsideEdition.com Friday. Just then, from across the room, an elderly man piped up, “Could I hold that baby for you?” And the mother, beaming, replied “Yes, that would be amazing.” Wilson recalled.

The man cradled that baby as if he was his own. His mother, unencumbered her, turned her attention to the paperwork.

Natasha Wison of Alabama captured the endearing moment in a photo, and since posting it to Facebook along with this message, it’s gone wildly viral:

“I was in the waiting room at the doc office today and this lady walked in with her sleeping baby! They handed her paperwork to do & as she was sitting there trying to figure out how to hold her sleeping baby while filling out the paperwork, this man, from across the room, asks her if she would like for him to hold her baby while she did her paperwork!!

She smiled and said that would be wonderful!! This man went over there and rocked and loved on that baby like he was his!! My heart Melted!!!

R.a.c.i.s.m is still VERY real in our society today BUT THIS MAN GAVE ME HOPE & a sweet memory I’ll never forget!!
If you know this man tell him what an amazing person he is!!”

The elderly man is white. The mother and her 1-year-old are black.

Source:insideedition.com, faithit.com