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Fresh Air

A man celebrating his 100th birthday was asked by a reporter how he had managed to live so long:

The man contemplated that question and looked over at his wife.

She sat beside him and a small smile played around her lips.

He hesitated for a moment before he explained:

“Well, son, I got married when I was 21.

The wife and I decided that if ever we argued the loser should take a long walk to cool off.

So I guess I’ve benefited from 79 years of fresh air.

Little Johnny went to the mall and rushed to a toy shop to pick up a toy plane. He gave the shopkeeper Monopoly money and then started to leave.

The shopkeeper told him,

“Excuse me, little boy, this isn’t real money.”

Little Johnny continued walking out of the shop without any reply.

The shopkeeper repeated himself, and Little Johnny kept walking.

The third time the shopkeeper called him, and Johnny said “What?”

The shopkeeper said,

“I’m sorry, young man, but this is not real money.”

Little Johnny looked at the plane in his hands, looked at the shopkeeper and finally said,

” And this isn’t a real plane.”