Home Quiz Ever wonder why you get goosebumps? How about why you yawn?

Ever wonder why you get goosebumps? How about why you yawn?

Humans experience instant changes in their bodies ranged from goosebumps to tears to the pruning of skin because the human body is very complex mechanism. But, did you know that there are scientific reasons behind these responses? It can be for various purposes such as protection of organs or improving in some activity.

These responses are unconscious most of the times and they happen instantly, under special circumstances. The human body itself is a real masterpiece and even in 21st century is still a big mystery for the researchers. Let’s answer at some of these important questions about our body.

1. Goosebumps

An involuntary and an evolutionary trait of the human body. No matter if the hair straightens as a response to threatening situations or to provide warmth in cold weather.

2. Yawning

While this action is associated with people not getting enough sleep or being bored, a 2014 story proved otherwise. Yawning is reportedly our bodies way of cooling down the temperature of the brain.

3. Sneezing

This action helps our bodies get rid of external, unwanted irritants like dust, dirt etc and keep them away from our respiratory system.

4. Skin prune

It happens when the skin is exposed to water for a long period continuously. Can you guess why does this happens? It is a way the body acquires greater grip, underwater.

5. Tearing Up

Often associated with sadness and emotions, tearing up actually serves many other purposes. Cleaning the eyeballs and keeping unpleasant stimuli away are just of the most basic reasons.

6. Getting butterflies in our stomach

A fluttery feeling from a first date or any similar experiences. It is actually a human body’s fight or flight response in times of threat to survival. The adrenaline secretion makes the stomach extra-sensitive to cause the butterfly sensation when person is freaking out.

7. Wincing

When exposed to loud noise, wincing occurs as an evolutionary trait of protecting us from oncoming unpleasant situations.

8. Stretching after waking up

This is an instinctual need of the body to warm up the nerves and blood vessels of the body. That’s how body is preparing for daily activities.

9. Getting hiccups

Except for when someone is remembering you, hiccups also happen for a scientific reason. When we eat/drink and it goes the wrong way, the pneumogastric nerve gets irritated and cause hiccups.

10. Getting that sudden myoclonic jerk

Very uncomfortable and sudden jolt that you get when you are about to drift into deep sleep. It actually depends on how tired you are. You may blame your brain for this because it misinterprets the slower breathing and relaxed muscles as signs of death, so it jolts you up to keep you alive, instead of letting you sleep.

11. Seeing those floaters in the distant sky

Because our eyes are made up of a jelly called vitreous fluid. This undergoes many changes with age. Tiny fibers unite together to form clumps which are large enough to be visible.

12. Sweating

Sweating is a method of the body to decrease the temperature. We usually sweat when we feel hot, but also out of fear. When secreted, sweat evaporates to lower the temperature of the body.

Sources: 24hviralphotos.com, popular365.club