Home Moral Stories Caring Father Makes Daughter Miss Homecoming, Senior Prom & Delete All Her...

Caring Father Makes Daughter Miss Homecoming, Senior Prom & Delete All Her Social Media as Punishment

One parent took to Reddit to share that he thought he and his wife had done their best to raise their children to be “kind and honest” individuals, but he was completely shocked at what his daughter Sam had done.

Image for illustration purpose only. Source: Shutterstock

The father believed his daughter’s act deserved a punishment that would make Sam think about the harm she had caused.

What Did the Daughter Do?

This father found out that his daughter was part of a group of people who b_ullied another girl to the point where she switched schools.

He shared that the b_ullying also included racial discrimination, which left him and his wife in complete sh0ck as they never thought their daughter would be capable of such an o_ffense.

The father, however, wanted his daughter’s punishment to be more than confiscating her electronics.

So he banned her from going to her homecoming and senior prom. He also told her she would have to delete her social media in front of him or his wife.

Image for illustration purpose only. Source: Shutterstock

Additionally, Sam was told to forget about getting a car for her 18th birthday. But out of all the restrictions her father implemented, Sam begged him to allow her to go to homecoming and senior prom since they were “once-in-a-lifetime events.”

She also spoke up against deleting her Instagram account because she had old pictures she had not saved anywhere else. But her father did not back down.

“I told her that she shouldn’t have been a racist bully,” he explained.

During this s_candal, the father revealed that they had also been living with his parents as their home was being renovated.

While the grandparents agreed that Sam’s actions were unacceptable, they thought banning her from homecoming and senior prom was too harsh.

What Do You Think of the Father’s Punishment?