If you’re looking for a secret technique, try using baking soda inside your closet. You’ll be amazed by the outcome.
Storage Room
A particularly unpleasant odor is often generated in enclosed and inadequately ventilated areas. The garments get a lot of the energy that’s produced when this occurs, for instance, in closets and drawers. The good news is that you may get rid of that musty interior smell in a number of ways. You could even have some in your pantry; they’re natural.
The interior of a closet or dresser is often neglected in favor of the outside, even though it is just as significant. Inadequate ventilation is typically to blame for the musty smell that develops in the closet. A great deal of dust is also produced by it.
If your closet has an unpleasant odor, use these steps to eliminate it: baking soda,
We need to clear everything out and tidy up first. Dust and wipe down all surfaces; baking soda is an effective dehumidifier. With only half a teaspoon, not only will the odor be eliminated, but those pesky water droplets that linger in the closet will also be gone.One way to get rid of odors from furniture is to use baking soda, which helps absorb water vapor. All you have to do is sprinkle some baking soda on a wet microfiber towel. After you’ve gone over every inside surface of the closet, wait until it has acted overnight before cleaning it with a fresh cloth.
Then, let the garments air out for a while longer to make sure there are no wet spots before putting them in the closet. Another helpful hint is to wait until the garments are all dry before putting them in the closet. You should still give them a little time to cool before putting them away, even after ironing.
Additional methods for sanitizing and scented storage
Then there are other solutions to keep the closet dry and fragrant at all times, as well as techniques to clean it. Vinegar is an alternative to the traditional chemical cleaning treatments available. To make it easy, just mix one cup of vinegar with some boiling water.
Adding a few drops of essential oil is all it takes to make it smell nice. The use of salt or rice as a cure for absorbing moisture from cabinets is another option. Put the grains of rice or salt in little packets and store them in the pantry.
At first, it’s best to replace the packet’s salt or rice every three or four days if the humidity is high. After the majority of the water has evaporated, you may swap out the rice and salt every fifteen days.
There isn’t much air movement in a small space like a cupboard, so if you want to avoid making a mess, try using a natural aroma. Flowers, fragrant spices, or cloth soaked with a few drops of essential oil may be placed inside organza bags—the same ones that often hold sugared almonds as wedding presents.
On the other hand, scented chalk is an option. You can make these at home with only two ingredients: water and chalk. Mix the two together to get a slurry that can be used to fill molds. Put them in the closet until they’re dry, then top them up with a few drops of essential oil.

Advice on how to style your wardrobe
To make cleaning up afterward a breeze, it’s a good idea to keep your closet neat and tidy with the help of some boxes. Nevertheless, woven baskets or metal containers are the way to go. Do not use plastic ones that are airtight.
Closet Occasionally opening the doors and drawers of your closet and dresser might help disperse any lingering odors. Just courteous members will express gratitude ?. Excerpts from the first remark