Ideal Relationship
A relationship should be about helping each other deal with the stress the world brings, not adding unnecessary stress to each other’s lives.

A relationship shouldn’t be a parasitic one, both of you are meant to help each other mentally, spiritually, and otherwise.
An ideal relationship is one, you will are so happy in and not a love-sided one you are hoping that your partner will come around.
Love can’t be forced, it can’t be induced, it happens naturally. Be with someone who feels the same way as you, and not someone you wish that will love you as you do.
Have you often wondered what being with someone who doesn’t feel the same way as you can turn you into?
It reduces your self-esteem and self-worth to the minimal. You won’t understand the effect until you have to wake up each day knowing that someone you love can’t love you like you want.
I have seen a once loving man, turn into a sadist; he lost his sanity, and his purpose in all life, all because of being in the wrong relationship.
He thought his partner will come around one day, he showed her so much love, than he ever showed to anyone, but in the end, she ended up breaking him.
An ideal relationship isn’t always perfect, but once it’s messing up with your mental state, let it go; it isn’t meant to exist.
You will find someone who will love you and cherish you more than anyone has ever done, don’t always rush.