Home Kindness A woman transforms her home into a hospice for elderly shelter dogs...

A woman transforms her home into a hospice for elderly shelter dogs so that they do not die alone

All dogs need a loving home, including those who may not have much time left. While elderly dogs are frequently overlooked in favor of younger pups, they deserve a forever home to spend their remaining years in.

But one woman has made it her life’s purpose to provide a loving final home for these aged shelter dogs, transforming her own home into a sanctuary that now homes 80 senior canines.

Valerie Reid, 44, of Hermitage, Missouri, was inspired to care for senior dogs after a personal experience made her aware of the challenges that pets confront as they age.

According to SWNS, she battled to find a home for her father’s aged Doberman while he was dying of cancer. She couldn’t take the dog since she had already reached the city’s pet limit, and no other rescue would accept her.

“We looked everywhere for any rescue that would help and due to her age none would home her,” Valerie recalled.

Finally, she was able to find a foster home for the Doberman on a farm that exclusively cared for senior dogs. It was a nice ending for the dog, who remained quietly with them for another year and a half — and the experience served as an eye-opening motivation for Valerie.

“It started me thinking what happens to senior dogs, who were once beloved pets,” she told SWNS. “My eyes were opened to just how many dogs out there needed help… It truly is a forgotten segment of the rescue world.”

So, in 2017, Valerie and her husband Josh founded Whispering Willows Senior Dog shelter, a non-profit shelter for senior canines. They purchased a 3,000-square-foot mansion near Hermitage, allowing dozens of pets to spend their dying days in comfort and tranquility.

“We take in dogs 12 years and older. Sometimes special needs, sometimes hospice,” she told Ozarks First. “Sometimes they just come to us for needing a place to lie their head and pass away.”

She explained that many of the dogs had been abused and neglected, with one, Peanut, discovered chained up in 100-degree heat.

“When they come in, they’re very broken-hearted, emotionally or broken physically,” she told KY3.

But Valerie says her goal is to provide them with a sense of normalcy and trust, as well as a safe forever home in which to spend their final days.

“Once they come, they stay. They don’t have to leave. This is their forever home, so they don’t go through another trauma, another loss.”

“When they come, they know that they’re safe.”

The rescue has evolved over the years: according to SWNS, the hospice currently has 17 full-time staff members who care for the dogs and can accommodate up to 80 canines at once.

“The sanctuary truly evolved and became bigger and bigger than I had even thought. I love having so many little hearts that love us back.”

Valerie claims they’ve cared for 790 dogs over the years. Because of the dogs’ age, deaths are common: approximately five die each week, and just as many are taken in.

While it might be sad job, Valerie takes delight in providing these pets with a loving home at the end of their life.

“Our vision is to help people prepare for end of life, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow,” she told SWNS. “We get to send our seniors off in comfort and love. Yes, it hurts but it is an honour to love and care for them.”