Home News A drunk woman left her car at the restaurant. The next day...

A drunk woman left her car at the restaurant. The next day she found an amazing note on the windshield of her car

Drinking and driving is incredibly dangerous. Not only can the drunk driver lose their license, but an innocent person can lose their life.

After spending time with her husband, Paula Gerzlak-Schultz decided to leave her car at the restaurant and take a taxi home to avoid driving after consuming alcohol.

When Paula returned to the parking lot to get her car the next day, she was surprised to find that her car hadn’t been ticketed or towed. Instead, she saw this sweet note from the restaurant managing partner


The note reads:

“Dear Original Joe’s Sherwood Park Guest,

Just wanted to thank you for leaving your car parked overnight. I’m not sure if you had consumed alcohol at our restaurant or not, but we wanted to thank you for not drinking and driving. Enclosed is a voucher good for 1lb of our delicious chicken wings. Please accept this as a thank you for being responsible. Life is valuable, have a great weekend.”

Paula shared the note on her Facebook page and it is going viral, garnering over thousands of shares and ‘Likes’.

The awesome note was left by Jay McLean who is the managing partner of the restaurant.

McLean says he started leaving notes on cars to encourage others not to drink and drive, because he about fighting drunk driving through kindness and great examples.

What a great way to fight drunk driving and encourage others not to drink and drive!