Beer is one of the oldest and most commonly-consumed drinks throughout the world, especially in North America and Europe. Beer is rich in vitamin B and protein as well as antioxidants.
Beer contains in flavonoids, i.e. potent antioxidants. There are also specific minerals which are crucial for some metabolic processes in our bodies. Hence, drinking beer in moderate amounts is highly beneficial for the overall health. Below, you can read about some of the best health benefits of beer

1. Beer will keep your kidneys healthy!
A recent study has discovered that beer is really good for your kidneys. In fact, each bottle of beer you drink reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%.
2. Beer can lower your bad cholesterol as well!
Here’s what you need to know – the fiber found in beer can also help reduce your levels of LDL cholesterol, i.e. the “bad” type of cholesterol.
3. Beer can also increase your vitamin B levels!
According to the experts, this drink contains several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12). They also say that beer drinkers had 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 than their non-drinking counterparts, and levels that were twice as high as those of wine drinkers. Beer is also a generous source of vitamin B12.
4. Beer also works great as a cure for insomnia!
Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which are both present in beer, can promote sleep!
5. Beer for stronger bones!
Yes, a study has revealed that the elevated levels of silicon in beer can contribute to higher bone density.
6. Beer will reduce your risk of a heart attack – significantly!
According to the experts, beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of suffering a heart attack compared with non-beer drinkers.
7. Beer is also great in preventing blood clots!
How this works – well, the experts say that the ingredients found in beer help prevent blood clots from forming.
8. The experts say that beer will boost your memory as well!
A recent study has shown that beer drinkers are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia than non-beer drinkers.
9. This drink will also help you fight stress.
A group of experts, at the University of Montreal, have found that two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety.
10. And finally, beer will make your skin look more youthful and beautiful!
The experts say that certain vitamins in beer can regenerate the skin and have a positive impact on pigmentation. Your skin becomes smoother and suppler.