Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals that should be consumed daily. However, chemicals and pesticides are used to increase yields and protect the plants from pests and they are harmful to human health. It is difficult to completely get rid of pesticides in vegetables and fruits, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce their content. The largest amount of harmful substances is found on the surface of vegetables and fruits and with some care and attention you can remove them. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some of the best ways to clean your vegetables to live a healthy life!

Cold Water Rinse
The simplest and easiest way is with a cold water rinse and scrub! According to various reports, 75% to 80% of pesticide residue can be removed through simple cold water rinsing. Studies indicate that temperature of the water does not make a difference in how clean vegetables came out, friction is the most important! Leafy vegetables and fruits are recommended to need multiple rinses, so get washing on those vegetables.
Salt Water Soak
A salt water rinse might be a helpful way to remove more residue. While this won?t work for ?fragile fruits? (most notably berries), this is a great way to eliminate pesticides that might hide in the crevices. Simply take two teaspoons of salt into four cups of warm water and stir to dissolve, and soak the produce for 30 to 60 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.
Vinegar Soak
This is another soak that works a lot like the salt water soak noted above. If you?re out of vinegar, lemon juice will also work great! Similar to the salt water solution, fill a bowl with four cups of water and one cup of vinegar. Keep the fruit or veggies submerged for 30-60 minutes and then rinse with cold water.