Once you’ve entered into a relationship with a strong, independent woman, your next step might be wondering how to keep her. She needs enough space to be able to spread her wings and do things on her own, but giving her that space can be intimidating. The key is to trust her enough that once she’s done saving the world, she’ll come back to you at the end of the day.
A strong woman has high standards and clear morals. If you can’t respect her, she’ll move on. If you’re in a relationship with a strong woman, here are 11 things she absolutely will not tolerate:

1. Disrespect
Respect goes both ways in a relationship. A strong woman knows her worth, and she will not tolerate being treated disrespectfully. She knows that respect is extremely important in a relationship. She will always treat you with respect, and she will expect the same in return.
2. Being Controlled.
Strong women are independent women. They need a long least. They have their own life they are choosing to let you be a part of. Don’t tell her what she can and can’t do. Don’t tell her where she can and can’t go. Don’t tell her what she can and can’t wear. And if you think you’ll have to say in who she talks to think again. Strong women are the ones you can’t control.
3. Pushing Her Boundaries
Knowing and respecting your partner’s morals, values and personal boundaries is extremely important. Strong women know their self-worth, and they have no problem saying “no.” She will never tolerate someone who tries to break her values or morals for selfish reasons. She will expect better from you, and if you can’t respect her boundaries, she’ll move on.
4. ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ
Strong women will never tolerate ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ. If she catches you once that’s it for her. If she catches you playing her it doesn’t matter how you try and justify it. Strong women look for relationships that take them to the next level in their own life. If you’re going to ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛ on her, a strong woman won’t ever blame herself but she knows it has everything to do with your own insecurities.
5. Being Negative Toward Her
Everyone has a bad day every once in a while, but a strong woman knows how to push past it and get back up on her feet when she falls. Being stuck in a negative state isn’t just unattractive, it pulls down the people around you. If you are constantly negative toward your partner and her ideas, thoughts and opinions, she won’t tolerate it for long.
6. Excuses.
One or twice if something falls through is understandable but a constant stream of excuses isn’t acceptable. Strong women accept apologies but know when to stop accepting them and walk away. Any guy who is really good at excuses probably has had a lot of practice coming up with them.
7. Lying
Strong women are honest. They tell you they ran into their ex-getting coffee. They will tell you someone hit on them at the bar. They won’t leave you in the dark when it comes to anything. They expect the same loyalty in return. If they catch you in a lie they question if they can trust you and if they can’t trust you, there is no foundation that they can build a relationship on.
8. ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜsʏ
ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜsʏ is a sign of insecurity. She can’t waste her time trying to convince you, you have her. She can’t keep repeating her guy friends are only that. She spent enough time working on herself and her own issues of insecurities. She knows the only way to beat it is build yourself up and that isn’t something a partner can teach you. Confidence comes from something within you not because of the person sleeping next to you at night.
9. Unkindness
Being unkind is also a sign of insecurity. People are mean when they are threatened. Strong women will never choose someone who is mean because how you treat EVERYONE whether they have something to offer you or not is who you are. What you’ll like most about strong women is their heart. They care about everyone because that’s how you build relationships is when it’s built on kindness and caring.
10. Emotional Abuse And Toxic People.
Strong women don’t tolerate anyone treating them badly. You go off on them and yell at them and belittle them, they won’t forgive you so easily. Anyone who has to put others down to make themselves feel better is no one who should be in a relationship in the first place.
11. Neglect
She expects your time and attention because she’s willing to give you hers. If you decide to drop off the face of the earth and come waltzing back into her life she’ll be skeptical.
References: lovethispic.com, thoughtcatalog.com