Home Health THIS Is How To Boost Your Immune System In Only 15 Seconds…

THIS Is How To Boost Your Immune System In Only 15 Seconds…

THIS Is How To Boost Your Immune System In Only 15 Seconds…

Cold water and cold shower have a long tradition in many cultures, and for good reason. While showering and bathing in hot water is very smooth, cold water provides us numerous health benefits.

A study, conducted by German scientists, has come up at the conclusion that people who use cold showers for at least two minutes, rarely suffer from colds.

Another study, conducted in Prague, concluded that two types of white blood cells, monocytes and lymphocytes, which are responsible for the destruction of pathogens, increased after athletes took a bath in cold water.

Many researchers claim that cold shower relieves stress and improves mood.

A survey conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond US found that cold water stimulates the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that is similar to adrenaline and have the same function.

There is a simple method using cold water that will boost your immunity.

Dr. Sergey Bubnovskij, Moscow’s Kinesitherapy specialist, a line of therapeutic treatment of disease by passive and active muscular movements came up with a unique method to strengthen immune system in just 15 seconds.

This is the method:

All you need to do, after a long day at work, is simply dip your feet in a large bucket or tub of icy cold water for 15 seconds. Remember to keep away from hot water. Later get out of the tub, wipe your feet with a towel and immediately wear a pair of woolen socks. Repeat this exercise daily to see the results. In case you are suffering from cold and cough step with bare feet in ice cold water every 4 hours.

According to Dr. Sergey this method will not worsen your condition rather boost your immunity in return. The theory behind icy cold water therapy is that your body gains vitality and resilience through managed stress. In simple words, by exposing your body to levels of stress you strengthen your body naturally. This method also increases metabolism, stabilizes blood pressure, lowers pain and alleviates mood.

Source:indiatimes.com, lifecoachcode.com, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov