Home Health 12 Foods That You Should Never Put In The Fridge

12 Foods That You Should Never Put In The Fridge

When it comes to fruits, vegetables, and other grocery items, it can be our first instinct to store everything in the refrigerator to try to keep them fresh for as long as possible. While that’s inarguably true for some foods, it’s not a one-size-fits-all rule. Turns out, the cold temperature and humidity of the fridge can have a negative effect on some fresh produce and grocery products. The shelf might just provide the perfect atmosphere for your groceries to thrive, so don’t always be tempted to open the refrigerator door.

Learn to keep your food fresh and delicious, inside the fridge and out. Start with 12 food items that you shouldn’t be keeping in your refrigerator.

1. Avocados

Avocados can be tricky fruits to manage. Keeping them in the refrigerator halts the ripening process so never keep them refrigerated. Just store your avocados on the counter at room temperature. If they are already ripe then use them immediately.

To ripen avocados, we suggest placing them in a brown paper bag along with an apple or banana for a few days (usually around two or three) until ripe. The apple (or banana) releases ethylene gas which causes the avocados to ripen more quickly.

2. Bananas

For a banana to taste its best, it should be kept at room temperature, especially if it requires more ripening. Once bananas start to turn brown, use immediately (banana bread, anyone?) or freeze for later. Be aware that bananas can cause nearby fruits to ripen quicker, so organize them accordingly. Perhaps, not next to the avocados?

3. Apples

Apples can be risky to keep in the fridge as they are an ethylene-producing fruit. If you keep them with other fruits and vegetables, then they will ripen more quickly. Sometimes that might just be too quick and leave you with spoilt fruits and veggies.

Apples can last for a good week or two on the counter and they can be quite the decorative piece with their delicious colors. If you do end up keeping them in the fridge (as they will last longer) just make sure to keep them separate! And remember, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch!

4. Potatoes

Do you want sweet and gritty potatoes? No, we didn’t think so either. Putting your potatoes in the fridge quickly turns the vegetable’s starches into gooey sugar. Yuck! Just keep them in the pantry away from extreme temperatures.
Once a potato has been cooked make sure that you keep it in the fridge. Baked potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil should never be left to sit out at room temperature, as they can form deadly strains of botulism.

5. Garlic

Full bulbs of garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place, such as your pantry. Keep them in a ventilated container. If you keep them in an airtight container they will mold quite rapidly. If you store your garlic properly it will stay good for months.

Image for illustration purpose only

6. Onions

Whole, uncut, onion bulbs should never be kept in the fridge. If you do, they will quickly become moldy and mushy from the humidity in the refrigerator. When onions are chilled the starches inside the bulb are converted to sugars.

If they are left long enough in the fridge, the onion will liquefy completely. And nobody wants that. Onions should be kept in a cool dry place in a ventilated container or easier, just keep them in the mesh bag they already come in.

7. Tomatoes

Your haul of fresh tomatoes belongs on the counter, not in the refrigerator. The cold, humid atmosphere inside the fridge can affect the texture of your tomatoes before you have a chance to use them. Just make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight. Cherry tomatoes are the only variety that tend to stand up to time in the fridge without turning mushy or mealy too quickly.

8. Honey

Cold temperatures can cause honey to crystallize more quickly than when stored in a dark, cool place like your pantry. Keep in mind that, over time, honey will always crystallize eventually.

9. Eggs

This is a controversial food to keep out of the refrigerator for sure. But it actually is fine to keep eggs at room temperature. As a general rule though, if you buy eggs in the refrigerated section, keep on refrigerating them.

If you buy eggs at room temperature, then it’s fine to keep doing so or put them in the fridge, should you wish. According to Tim Hayward, presenter for the Food Programme on BBC Radio 4, “A fresh, free-range egg should last beautifully at room temperature for at least a week.”

10. Aged Cheese

If you’re a cheese aficionado then you probably already know this, but hard cheeses should never go in the fridge. It may sound odd as cheese is a dairy product but it’s true! If hard cheese is left in the fridge then it turns from hard to rock hard.

11. Donuts

There is nothing more delicious than a freshly baked donut. But what do you do when you have too many? Firstly, that sounds like an amazing problem. Secondly, don’t fret, and whatever you do, don’t put them in the fridge.
The fridge will make your donuts stale and soggy so it’s best to just keep them at room temperature and make sure that they are covered. They won’t last long, though. Freshly-baked donuts should only be kept for around two days maximum.

12. Bread

It is never recommended to keep bread refrigerated. It will severely dry your bread out and make it quickly become stale. It’s best to just keep bread out and stored at room temperature. Pre-sliced bread should stay fresh for up to a week.

Just make double sure that the package is tightly sealed shut after use. If you find yourself with too much bread then you can always freeze what you don’t need and reheat it later. That way you’ll always have bread on hand and not have to worry about it going bad.

References: en.news.science101.com, southernliving.com, naturologymag.com, icepop.com