Home Health What The Shape Of Your Chin Reveals About Your Personality

What The Shape Of Your Chin Reveals About Your Personality

What The Shape Of Your Chin Reveals About Your Personality

According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the face is the mirror of your very being, in ways more than many. There was a time when such practitioners could tell you about your health, mental and emotional state, and other interesting tidbits of your personality just by looking at your face.

It is believed that facial features like your forehead, shape of your eyes, and lips reveal quite a lot about what kind of person you are and your innate traits. The shape of your chin, too, can reveal hidden traits of your personality.

1. Square chin

If you have a square chin, you are most likely the headstrong one. You know exactly what you want and do not appreciate anything or anyone who could be a distraction. You are straightforward and you do not believe in taking anyone else’s opinions into consideration when it comes to making decisions for your life. You have a mind of your own and are often considered the leader of the group. Not just that, people with a square chin are naturally attractive and often capture the attention of the opposite sex without even trying.

2. Long chin

People with long chin are blessed with all the good things in life. The shape of your chin indicates that you could live to have a long and healthy life, with the privilege of nurturing a loving family.

People with long chins tend to be artistic and expressive. They’re also faithful, caring and sympathetic. If you go to them with a problem, they genuinely care about helping you in your time of need. Not surprisingly, people with this chin type tend to make friends easily anywhere they go.

3. Narrow chin

If you have this type of chin, you may be more sensitive than other people. Unkind words sting and the world can seem like a tough place to you, but you aren’t afraid to let others know when you’re ticked off. This chin type has a tendency to be hot-tempered and fiery. They can also be a lot of fun in social settings, as long as nobody pushes their buttons. Watch what you say around them because they love to gossip.

4. Receding chin

This chin could be a sign of introverts. A person who loves to brood in her own world, stays away from the crowd, seldom speaks, and is a thinker, will most likely have a receding chin. You have the qualities of attractiveness and loyalty which, most will agree, are qualities to be cherished. Being the thinker you are, you sometimes tend to get carried away by your thoughts, however, you are also results oriented, which ensures that you think and do at the same time.

5. Protruding chin

People with jutting chins have lots of energy. They tend to be confident going into new situations, and they can be forceful at work. This tendency to have a high drive and goal-orientation makes them excellent in leadership roles, but it can also make them come off as pushy. People with this chin type may be habitual flirts that tend to cheat on their partners.

Source:her.womenworking.com, neopress.in