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Police Officers Receive An Unexpected $10 Bill Inside A Letter From A 9-Year-Old Girl

A cop in a donut shop may sound like a cliche to most of us, but for 9 year old Brooke, the scenario was one she will remember for a long time.

Brooke was standing in line at a gas station, waiting to buy some donut holes. But when she got to the cashier, she discovered that she didn’t have enough money.

As it turns out, there was a kind stranger waiting behind her – State Trooper Chad Savannah.

What happened next created a chain reaction of kind deeds which is melting peoples’ hearts!

A state trooper offered to pay for her tasty sweet treat.

Brooke was nervous but elated by the officer’s kindness, and she ran out with the donuts as soon as the cashier handed them to her.

You may think that the story ends there, and we’re sure the state trooper thought the same thing, but Brooke had other plans. When the little girl reached home, she rushed to find paper and an envelope. She penned a touching thank-you note to the officer who had paid for her food and enclosed a $10 to repay him.

The letter was passed on to the kind state trooper who had helped her. Trooper Savannah and his colleagues were all moved by the little girl’s gratitude.

“I think everybody here was very moved by the kidness of this 9 year old,” says the captain of the police department to KDKA News.

The officers decided that Brooke deserved a reward, and gathered some money together to purchase a $50 Toys R Us gift card for Brooke. They mailed the card to the little girl and figured she would buy some toys for herself. But what she did instead took them by surprise. She purchased $50 worth of toys with the gift voucher and donated them to Toys for Tots.

When the police found out about Brooke’s generous donation, they decided that she deserved a special treat. They invited her to the police station, where she was given a full tour. Her favorite part of the day was getting to sit in the squad car.

The little girl was invited for a private tour of the station where she was showered with gifts, praise and, of course, plenty of donuts.

A reporter jokingly asked the little girl, “What’s wrong with you?” to which Brooke responded with a laugh. “Nothing,” she said, and we couldn’t agree more.

Brooke’s story is proof that kindness is contagious. Spread some good news today and let us know about some touching encounters you’ve had recently. Don’t forget to show some love to your friends and family and pass this video along to them.

apost.com, en.newsner.com