Home Quiz Time To Test Your Brain! These 5 Pictures Will Challenge You

Time To Test Your Brain! These 5 Pictures Will Challenge You

Time To Test Your Brain! These 5 Pictures Will Challenge You

It’s time to check your brainpower with riddles that will make you want to read things twice. Don’t underestimate the challenge because these problems may not be as simple as you think. The best part is that they’re amusing too.

1.Who is the liar?

The man was back from snowboarding. But when he reunited with his friends he checked his things and noticed that his food was missing so he asked his friends if they knew anything about it. The first woman said that she’d been skating the whole day, and the other said that she’d been drinking the same juice by the fire since morning. The man smiled immediately because he knew one of them was lying. But how?



2. How Many Matches Are In the Image?




3.What Does it say?




4.How Much do they weigh?



5. Who made the mess?





















Hit the comment section and let me know the anwer.Let’s meet there I am ready to answer all of them!!


1.The woman holding the glass is lying.The ice would have melted if it had been in the glass since morning

2.8 matches

3.I ate some pie…and it was delicious

4.Mouse-3, Cat-7, Dog-17

5. Number 2 did the mess