Home Celebrity Gordon Ramsay reveals the one place where he refuses to eat

Gordon Ramsay reveals the one place where he refuses to eat

Gordon Ramsay undoubtedly enjoys his food, but there is one spot on Earth where he refuses to eat.

Gordon Ramsay is undeniably skilled in the kitchen; after all, he is one of the world’s most famous chefs!

Ramsay enjoys a wide variety of foods, as one would assume given his vocation. However, this does not imply that he enjoys everything.

The celebrity chef travels extensively across the world, from European excursions with some of his culinary friends to filming the US TV classic Kitchen Nightmares back in the day.

Ramsay has, of course, traveled extensively, sampling different types of food in a variety of settings.

However, Ramsay frequently utilizes a plane to travel from country to country.

And that is precisely where the Brit will not accept the prospect of any meal, since he simply cannot stand it.

I believe we can all agree that the food supplied on flights is never the finest, with some comparing it to hospital cuisine in some circumstances.

However, many online users have reported an improvement in airline meals in recent years, albeit clearly not enough for Ramsay to take the jump.

Speaking to Refinery 29 back in 2017, the chef said: “There’s no f***ing way I eat on planes. I worked for airlines for ten years, so I know where this food’s been and where it goes, and how long it took before it got on board.”

As a result, Ramsay never boarded a trip on an empty stomach, and he encouraged other frequent fliers to do the same.

However, in the same interview, the 57-year-old acknowledged that he ‘keeps it light’ at the airport terminal, usually choosing to dine at an Italian bar if one is available.

“A nice selection of Italian meats, a little glass of red wine, some sliced apples or pears with some parmesan cheese, I’m like a pig in s**t,” Ramsay told the outlet.

Ramsay really has one of his own restaurants in an airport, Plane Food, which is located in Terminal 5 at London Heathrow Airport.

Plane Food was made specifically for airport passengers, as Ramsay explains in a YouTube video.

He said: “The idea behind Plane Food is simple: I’d like you to eat incredibly well before takeoff.”

Ramsay went on to remark that the restaurant was created for a fast dinner, which is exactly what you want in an airport before boarding your aircraft.