Home Tricks-Tips 3 bay leaves are enough to perfume the house in winter

3 bay leaves are enough to perfume the house in winter

During the winter we always find many ways to scent the house. In fact, we want to spread a good smell by keeping all the windows and balconies closed so as not to get cold.

Well, among scented infusions of citrus or cinnamon, scented dehumidifiers and so on, one of the remedies is to use bay leaf!

There are those who already usually use it in the bathroom shower to always have a fresh scent, or those who dry the leaves and then chop them to make a sort of homemade potpourri.

In short, there are many ways to use this plant, in fact only 3 bay leaves are enough to have a super fragrant house in winter!

Infusion for the home
Let’s first look at one of the most popular and widely used methods, home brewing.

It’s not very difficult to prepare, you just have to be very careful not to burn yourself, so be very careful.

Well, all you have to do is fill a pot with hot water and put it on the stove over low heat. Then add 3 bay leaves and wait until they start to boil.

Once boiled, the water will have generated a steam scented with bay leaf, all you have to do is spread it throughout the rooms of the house.

You can first transfer the water to a bowl or another pan, or be very careful and carry the pan to all rooms, just let it sit for about ten minutes.

Reheat it if you see that it no longer evaporates.

Scented sachet
Another very interesting thing that we can make with 3 bay leaves is a scented sachet!

They are also usually used to scent the cupboard or other tight spaces and use various ingredients, the remarkable aspect is that it really takes no effort to make them!

Well, the first step is to get a breathable bag so that it can spread the smell. Later you will need to break the bay leaves and put them inside the bag.

Place it in the space of the house you want to scent or put it in cabinets and drawers, you will see what a smell!

On the radiator
Very often we talk about how to perfume the house using the radiator and, among the different methods, bay leaf is never missing.

You will know that the leaves of this plant can be dried in order to use them in various ways. If you want to use a quick and efficient way to dry them and scent the house at the same time, you can put the leaves directly on the radiator!

Leave 3 or more depending on the intensity of the scent you want, you will see that day after day, the heat that spreads throughout the house will smell just as good!

In the dehumidifier
Still on the subject of radiators, dehumidifiers are used to combat humidity.