Home Tricks-Tips No more dirt between window cracks with the sponge technique

No more dirt between window cracks with the sponge technique

To remove dirt and incrustations from light fittings, all you need are a few tricks that our grandmothers know so well.

Sponge method

Washing the house is an activity we need to perform very frequently in order to live in a home that guarantees adequate levels of hygiene. Especially with the arrival of the warmer months and warmer weather, it’s increasingly necessary to carefully disinfect every room in our home, thus also preventing the proliferation of insects. That’s why it’s important to thoroughly clean furniture, shelves, cupboards and, of course, all floors. Cleaning your home also means carefully disinfecting windowsills and windows, which can become very dirty after a few days of rain.

With this remedy, no more dirt on light fittings: they’ll be as good as new!

All it takes is one of the classic summer storms for large amounts of dirt to accumulate on glass panes, shutters and window frames. Fixtures are probably the hardest to wash, as it’s difficult to clean the cracks thoroughly. However, there are methods that allow you to remove window encrustations in a short time and also with some ease.

The first remedy to use for cleaning window cracks is one based on the use of yellow soap, which is an old solution widely used by people of a certain age to clean the most complicated corners and make all kinds of dirt disappear.

Why is yellow soap so effective? It’s all thanks to the coconut oil that characterizes it, a substance perfect for acting against incrustations and restoring an excellent level of hygiene even in corners and fixtures.

By applying a ball of yellow soap to the non-abrasive part of the sponge, we’ll thoroughly clean the dirtiest parts, achieving a truly satisfying result.

For the action of the yellow soap to be particularly incisive, we recommend dipping the sponge in hot water before rubbing it into the fixtures.

Another truly exceptional element for deep cleaning windows and doors is white vinegar, which is capable of cleaning every corner of the house thanks to its deep degreasing action.

All you have to do is place a glass of white vinegar in a container filled with hot water. Once this is done, a sponge is soaked in the solution and run over the fixtures. A simple rinse is all it takes to see how our fixtures have regained their shine.

Baking soda and Marseille soap for deep cleaning of windows and doors
Finally, two other popular items for cleaning windows and doors are baking soda and Marseille soap. Add two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda to a container with water and stir until you obtain a bicarbonate of soda paste. This solution, applied to a sponge, will clean fixtures very well, removing all types of dirt (don’t forget to rinse).

Marseille soap is another excellent remedy for restoring your fixtures to their original appearance. Here too, the procedure involves combining two tablespoons of suitably grated Marseille soap in a container with very hot water, then applying the resulting solution to a sponge.

A few coats are all that’s needed to degrease fixtures thoroughly and eliminate the need to worry about dirt and encrustations.