Have you ever met a couple who appears to have every part of their marriage perfected? Until one day you learn they’ve started divorce proceedings. This should not come as a surprise, as there are usually indicators of a progressive erosion of the relational basis that takes longer than you might expect.
Here are 10 tiny signs that even a ‘nice couple’ is heading for divorce.
1. Lack of communication.
Poor communication, or a lack thereof, is one of the most significant issues that most couples confront. If one or both parties in a relationship fail to share their issues and worries, it is usually a sign that things are going wrong. Sometimes communication occurs, but it is about “superficial” issues rather than the source of the problem.
How familiar is this sound? “Hey, honey, are you okay?” Is anything bothering you? Answer: “No, I’m fine; it’s nothing.” If you’ve found yourself in this circumstance or asked these questions and your intuition tells you otherwise, it’s a terrible indication.
According to a 2022 study, nonverbal communication is prevalent and frequently utilized to highlight difficulties. If your partner’s actions, body language, and gestures indicate that something is wrong, but they refuse to discuss it, take this as a hint.

2. Forgetting important dates.
When you first started dating, how significant were “dates” to you? When were you able to recall the exact date and time you met, as well as the number of minutes or hours since your last conversation?
Now imagine your 7th wedding anniversary or Mother’s and Father’s Day, and your spouse has entirely forgotten? Although there are few exceptions to this rule, when your other half forgets significant “relationship” occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, it’s a clear indication that their focus is elsewhere and not with you.
3. Very little intimacy.
Well, this is a no-brainer. Some couples claim that the average married pair is physically intimate twice a week. Some people consider themselves lucky if they can be physically intimate once a month. If it has been months since you were intimate, this is a strong indicator of difficulties. Intimacy is also about how you treat each other and is a strong predictor of marital pleasure, according to 2017 research. If you don’t have basic affection and consideration for each other, you’re headed for divorce.

4. No time for one another
When your spouse loses interest in you, or you simply pass each other on your way out the door or have fast meals at the dinner table, you are more like roommates or acquaintances. Many divorced couples admit that they were doing a lot of things on their own before the separation.

5. Sleeping in different beds
It amazes me how many couples sleep in separate beds. The reasons are irrelevant in my opinion, but if you regularly sleep in separate beds, you might as well be single.
6. Lots of alone time
Do you find yourself alone a lot? Are you attending family occasions by yourself? Are you constantly hearing excuses from your partner about why they don’t want to accompany you to gatherings or functions? Is your partner constantly preoccupied with their interests and spending time with their friends? Take it as a sign.
7. You or your partner are constantly stressed
Stress is a negative emotion that causes physical and mental health issues, according to a 2021 study. Is your partner frequently annoyed and has trouble sleeping? Are they continually fatigued, preoccupied, and unable to concentrate? Are they impatient, forgetful, or socially withdrawn? Stress may destroy any relationship if not addressed. Too much stress in the marriage can lead to separation.
8. You quarrel about trivial stuff
If you find that you spend more time squabbling than liking one another, this is an indication. If you’re easily frustrated and don’t appear to have any tolerance for your partner, it’s a sign that you’ve lost basic respect and no longer like them.