A homemade medication that, with only three drops applied to the hair, will treat dandruff while also preventing hair loss. Curious as to what it is?
An innovation that will be immensely welcomed by people suffering from dandruff or severe hair loss, it makes use of items that are extremely easy to get at home.
Dandruff and hair loss
Hair is a major issue for many people since they are unable to present it in its best form; the cause is generally dandruff or hair loss.
These two issues can coexist, as dandruff simply exacerbates scalp weakness.
Being affected by dandruff necessitates the use of certain products; in fact, we can hope to resolve it through the many treatments that a professional can provide.
However, we can employ in-house solutions to try to prevent or even solve the problem.

3 drops on the hair and it will never fall out again
- A glass jar
- White rice
- Laurel
- Cloves
- Red onion,
- Spray diffuser
- Castor oil or olive oil
- Domopak paper
- Waterfall
1. Pour rice into the glass jar, just enough to cover three fingers from the bottom. Then it is almost completely filled with water.
2. Combine a few bay leaves ( 3 – 4 should suffice) and 6 – 7 cloves.
3. Once inserted, the jar is closed and allowed to rest overnight.
4. In the morning, after shaking the jar, sift the components and pour the liquid into a new glass jar.

5. At this stage, grate a red onion and drain the liquid into the jar. Add a few drops of castor oil, olive oil, or coconut oil.
6. Finally, spritz the scalp and ends and massage for two minutes before wrapping the hair in domopak and covering the head with a towel.
7. Apply the compress for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
8. To achieve naturally soft hair, apply this lotion two to three times per week.