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12-Year-Old In Foster Care For 3 Years Announces His One Birthday Wish: A Family To Call His Own

12-Year-Old In Foster Care For 3 Years Announces His One Birthday Wish: A Family To Call His Own


As the holiday season approaches, most people are looking forward to spending time with their families. Sadly, not everyone has a family to come home to for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hundreds of thousands of children live in the foster care system and have no permanent homes. One child in Texas is asking the public to help find him a forever family by his next birthday.

12-year-old Samuel says that he is fed up with being in Child Protection Services. In an interview with KWTX, Samuel says that he remembers the exact date he entered the Lone Star State’s foster care system: February 8, 2017.

In the nearly three years since entering the system, Samuel has never been able to find a new family. Thankfully, the young boy is not without his champions. Chief among Samuel’s proponents is Katie Thomas, his case worker. In her own interview with KWTX, Katie described Samuel as a good kid who relates really well to adults.

Samuel is one of over 6,000 abused and neglecтed children in Texas’s foster care system.

Samuel’s Case Worker Katie Thomas thinks the right family could improve his situation.

“I think with the right family he can do so much,” said Thomas.

Thomas says Samuel likes computers, loves to build things and relates really well to adults.

He turns 13 on November 20 and has one wish.

“To get adopted,” Samuel said.

apost.com, kwtx.com