The desire to be loved by the opposite s3x is normal, which is why girls who are looking for the answer to the question “What do men like?” end up improving the aspects of their bodies they believe will send any man insane. Some of their responses astonished us greatly.
1. Aspirations
We live in a world filled with events and rhythms. That is perhaps why a desire to live a complete life–to make huge, wild goals and plans a reality and to climb to new heights while still looking for sources of inspiration – is such an important aspect in making ladies appealing to men. Modern men dislike girls’ passivity and sloth. However, women are also not drawn to these kinds of males. Would you agree?

2. Sense of humor
When describing a perfect female, a sense of humor is almost always mentioned. The study simply shows that girls who can make and understand witty jokes appear to be more appealing. Those who lack these characteristics are deemed less lovable.

3. Laughter
Without saying much, girls who aren’t scared to express their emotions always captivate guys.

4. Style
Some men aren’t very adept at keeping up with the current fashion trends, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care how a female appears. Your style can be a deciding element in a man introducing himself to you because he may have an opinion on how his ideal female should appear. Some will not approach a female with bright hair, but others are repulsed by clichés. This is why you should never try to please everyone; you will never be appreciated equally.

5. Attitude to other girls
If you gave an unfriendly look to a beautiful girl passing by, or if you allowed yourself to make an ugly statement about her, your boyfriend will notice and interpret it as having a full set of complexes as well as an envious and incisive personality.

6. Self-esteem
Men enjoy complimenting women who already know they are worthy of such compliments, but they hate reassuring those who have grown accustomed to overlooking their beauty. No woman is less appealing to a man than one who constantly challenges her own appearance.

Confidence in one’s beauty usually compensates for any perceived or genuine imperfections in one’s looks. Realizing this allows one to simply become the very gorgeous woman that men dream about.
7. Emotional condition
According to men, one of the most unattractive feminine characteristics is girls who have a gloomy attitude on the world. Men notice everything in your life that bothers you and makes you unhappy, such as unpleasant employment, disagreements with your parents, and the disappointment of unmet dreams. They begin to equate your image with sorrow, despite the fact that they desire to be around positive people. This is why they are easily drawn to joyful ladies who can enjoy life.

You won’t be able to lie for long since your man will notice how stifled you are within, even if you try your hardest to appear to be the happiest person on the planet. That is why you should learn to find modest pleasures in everyday life. First and foremost, you are in dire need of it.
8. The ability to find a way out of awkward situations
Men keep saying that they are attracted to naturalness in both behavior and looks. It turns out that how you respond to unexpected situations is equally significant. If a girl can accept her mistakes without trying to excuse them or becoming upset, she will earn the attention of an interested male.

9. Kindness
Men always notice kind deeds, especially when evaluating this female for a long-term commitment. Scientists have proof of this truth. It is not without reason that they say good returns; as it turns out, it returns in the form of increased attention from males.

10. Financial condition
Women consider men’s financial situations, and vice versa. Yes, this is a touchy subject, but it is vital. As a result, make sure that men ask about your finances not just out of curiosity, but also to draw conclusions.

If you earn more money than he does, he may require some time to determine whether he is capable of handling such a position. If you make less than him, he may require this time to establish whether your interests are not simply pecuniary in nature.