Home Spirituality 10 Signs It’s Not Your Body But Your Soul That’s Tired

10 Signs It’s Not Your Body But Your Soul That’s Tired

Have you recently felt drained and weak most of the time? Well, we are here to tell you that you are not alone. One out of 5 people feel tired at any given moment and, unfortunately, exhaustion is becoming the norm. The rhythm of the modern world involves constant work, stress, tension, and a lack of sleep and proper exercise. And all of this affects the state of the soul. It hurts and needs help.

We at timelesslife would like to draw your attention to 10 signs of a tired soul, which may seem insignificant, but can create great discomfort and problems.

1. You experience unexplained pains and aches.

Our mind, body, and soul are connected. If there is any imbalance in the one, it will affect the other. Therefore, if our soul or heart is tired, it may try to grab our attention by creating physical disturbances in our body.

We may feel unexplained pains and aches, dizziness, nausea, migraine or tension headaches, blurred vision or gastrointestinal issues without any medical reasons.

2. You experience anxiety or panic attacks.

When the soul is exhausted, we may find it difficult to find peace and the world may look all dark and confusing.

We may try various means of cheering us up by trying the things that used to give us joy earlier but none of these works now and this may lead to a sense of dread and hopelessness causing anxiety or panic attacks.

3. Being tired after a full night’s rest

The fact that it’s difficult for you to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, even if you’ve slept the proper number of hours, can be the first sign. You have recovered physically, but it’s difficult to restore your soul with sleep. As a result, chronic fatigue appears and you spend the whole day fighting with yourself every time you need to do something.

4. Difficulty in coping up with challenges and struggles that come your way.

Ups and downs are a part of life and we are generally equipped to deal with them but when our soul is feeling weary we may not even have the strength to cope up with simple challenges or difficulties that life throws our way.

It is very important to take a step back and take some time out to cater to our spiritual wellbeing whether by going for yoga, meditation, silence or spiritual retreats to gain the energy to cope up with life’s challenges.

5. You suffer from insomnia.

If we are not in a happy and peaceful state, it will become next to impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Even if we manage to sleep a couple of hours, it will be filled with anxious thoughts or nightmares and we will wake up feeling tired and exhausted.

And then we go through the entire day like a zombie, unable to give our attention to any task at hand.

6. Daydreaming and escaping reality

If you feel like you want to escape reality and you dream of a different life, your soul is giving you signs of exhaustion. You often think about the past and are afraid of the future. The main thing is that you don’t like the present moment and you try to distract yourself from it by any possible means. But escapism can bring you harm since you still have to go back to your daily duties and your dissatisfaction with life increases due to the mismatch of reality and your dreams.

7. A desire to hide from others

If you have a desire to hide from people that surround you, this is a telltale sign of a tired soul. You may want to sit in the corner, to shield yourself from others, or even become inconspicuous. But since you can’t lock yourself in your home and stop interacting with people, you become oppressed by unwanted communication. You still need to keep up your day-to-day conversations and stay close to other people, even if you want to be left alone.

8. You experience negative emotions like bitterness, anger, resentment or jealousy.

All of us feel negative emotions sometimes but when our body and mind is not in alignment with our soul, we will experience negative emotions like bitterness, anger, resentment or jealousy more frequently and vehemently.

If we are feeling more negative emotions like anger, jealousy or bitterness recently whereas we were able to feel love, compassion, and joy earlier, it could be because our soul is weary and asking for our attention.

9. You may feel anxious and insecure about our future and find it difficult to live in the present moment.

If our soul is exhausted, we may not have the energy to plan for our future. We may just wander aimlessly without any specific goal or direction.

This can create a lot of anxiety and insecurity about future and leave us feeling overwhelmed with no capacity to enjoy the present moment.

10. Feeling lonely

If you direct all your anger and offense on the people who surround you, your relationships can become tense. When you pretend to feel well, nobody knows the real state of things. This can all make you feel lonely and left alone with your problem. You start to think that nobody understands you, nobody accepts you, and that no one can help. So you try to handle everything alone, struggling with your condition day after day.